
Men for sobriety believes that having a life-threatening problem with alcohol and/or drug use is not a moral weakness, it is the symptom of a serious disorder which demands rigorous attention to healing. Related over-reliance on substances to the loss of identity many men feel with competing roles in society, Men for sobriety believes that guilt, depression, and low (or no) self-esteem are common problems men experience for which substances have become the primary coping mechanism.
To overcome Substance Use Disorders (SUDs), men must address their real needs – those for an increased sense of self-value, self-worth, and self-efficacy. The Men for sobriety New Life Program is specifically designed to fit these emotional needs of men. It shows men how to overcome their SUD with supportive group interactions. Men learn how to identify and address the problems which caused and were caused by their substance use, as well as new ways of approaching and solving problems. Together, men learn how to live individually; they learn awareness of self and fulfillment of self.

****This group is serving the Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada and surrounding area*******
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